Thursday, June 5, 2008



"A man can sleep on the death of his child,but cannot sleep at the loss of property".


Fig.1.Man is an animal

COMMENTRY:Human beings are social animal and hence we find selfishness hardwired in them.As a matter of selfish nature a man has more concern for his material needs than to his spirituel and emotional needs.To the contrary a believer is a different species of human possessing contrary traits to that of human beings.A believer is one stage ahead of human just as humans are one step(high level of rational thinking)ahead of chimpanzees.When we analyse the sayings and sermons of Nahjul Balagha we find that believers have opposite traits to that of human(man).

Fig.2.A man of God or a believer is the better half of a human personality(angel personified)

A believer hates high position and dislikes renown(Nahjul Balagha:saying 328).They remain in trial as they remain in comfort(Nahjul Balagha:sermon:191).They do not regard their big acts as big(sermon:191).They hate praise(sermon :191).They take easy (loss)what others take serious and regard serious(namely,death,sins etc) what others regard trivial(sermon:191).Thus the above mentioned saying describes the trait of man which is to regard wealth as more important than relations(like son ,etc).A man being a different species ,his traits cannot be applied to believers.Hadrat ali (AS),in his Nahjul Balagha ,treats man and a believer as different chapters and regards them as very different(opposite).

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